Details of the 2021 school can be found at:
Video Links to Presented Lectures Below
October 20
Introduction to Total Scattering: Thomas Proffen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Big surprises from the small box- PDF endeavors in nanostructured materials: Emil Bozin, Brookhaven National Laboratory
RMCProfile as a data-fusion framework for determining nanoscale atomic order: Igor Levin, National Institute of Science and Technology
Building complex and decorated nanoparticles with DISCUS: Reinhard Neder, University Erlangen-Germany
October 22
Fourier Transforms are Not Magic- How We Make Your PDF: Daniel Olds, Brookhaven National Laboratory
X-ray Total Scattering Instrumentation: Milinda Abeykoon, Brookhaven National Laboratory
X-ray Total Scattering Data Reduction: Milinda Abeykoon, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Neutron Total Scattering Instruments and Uses: Katharine Page, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Data Reduction for Neutron Total Scattering: Yuanpeng Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
October 27
Recent and upcoming developments in PDF analysis: Simon Billinge, Columbia University and Brookhaven National Laboratory
October 29
Pair distribution function analysis of battery materials: Phoebe Allan, University of Birmingham, UK
November 3
Disorder and diffuse scattering in materials chemistry: Andrew Goodwin, University of Oxford, UK
November 5
Of Spins and Pseudospins- Magnetic PDF as a powerful probe of short-range magnetic correlations: Ben Frandsen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University
November 10
Pushing insight from laboratory PDF data and why we still need synchrotrons: Mirijam Zobel, Institute of Crystallography, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
November 12
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Detailed Background and Applications: Trevor Tyson, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Select Software Tutorial Sessions (missing selections coming soon)
PDFgui Day 1, Katharine Page and Daniel Olds
PDFgui Day 2, Milinda Abeykoon and Emil Bozin
RMCProfile Video
DISCUS Suite Video
*Please email Katharine Page ([email protected]) if there are any issues discovered with the video links.
A Thank You Note to All Participants
We appreciated your questions and your willingness to share your enthusiasm, your faces, and your time for the duration of our 2021 virtual US Total Scattering School. This Zoom session screenshot of many of you from our closing day of the school brings a smile to our faces. We hope to see you all in person some day soon!